
Friday, 14 June 2019

Lost in the city

This week we read a book called Lost in the city 

We read a book called lost in the city where a girl from a farm has come to visit her granddad and grandma she takes a long bus to the city then gets lost in a big lunch crowd and she over comes it to finds her granddad so one of activity's was if you were looking through a window and looking at the most important bit of the story so I made when she put her fingers in her mouth and her granddad saw her on the very big monument in the city a man riding on a horse.

I enjoyed making this activity because I could use lot's of colours and shapes to make this image and make something really cool next time what I would do differently is add more detail in it and make the people look different to each other what I found inter resting was that a little girl knows how to do a sheep whistle and how she was smart enough to know what to do so that she was lost for longer and could be seen by people so they could help her.   

Friday, 7 June 2019


In class we learnt about how poverty affects children in big countries and the difficult lifestyle for them and we had to write about the different reasons their family's are in poverty 

Poverty affects children everyday and this comes because of the type of country. When the country is big this means there is less resources for everybody there like food, water, wood, stone and more. Some countries there is drought and floods. When there is drought the country is a hot place and if it floods it rains a lot. The people in these ledcs don't normally get an education through being to poor to go to school. In ledcs there is not much money for people and things can get expensive so they can’t buy much food.

Population When there is a massive country and lot’s of people, resources can go quickly because how many people are in that one country. When a country is big and there is not much food or water for everyone, people can go hungry and be dehydrated and that can lead to a lot of people dying. 

Climate In certain countries the weather is bad for the people and the country. In some countries there is drought and this means they can not grow crops in the soil and even if they did the plants would receive too much sun and they will shrivel up and die because there is not enough rainfall for the crops and the people do not get enough to drink and even though there is drought people still have to work and which leads to dehydrated and cause a lot of people to die. In other countries it rains too much and drowns the crops and the water gets dirty so it can not be drunk.

Politics In some countries there is civil war because two different people want to run the country the people who are on one person's side could burn the others crops and harm the other people in the country. Politics can lead to people not getting an education then not get a good job when they are older.

Economics In LEDC’s there is less money in that country so people can not earn enough money to live so people go hungry there is not a lot of resources for shelter and people barely survive on what they have so life is harder in LEDC’s