I had interview three friends and ask them what they are most proud of
My friend Jaimie: My ability to play hockey
My friend Gustan: Is being really funny
My friend Jimmy: Saving the turtles by picking up rubbish
Friday, 6 December 2019
Monday, 2 December 2019
SLJ day 1 activity 3 Bfg charter description
The big friendly giant charter description
The bfg has big ears to hear every tip toe
he is really tall to see over large buildings
he has old raggedy clothes
he has grey hair as grey as dark clouds on a stormy day
Monday, 25 November 2019
SLJ practice activity

My favourite meal is sushi
It is my favourite because of the flavors and the taste of it with the chicken and the fish and it has veges so it is not that unhealthy
Friday, 18 October 2019
The layers of the ocean
The Layers Of The Ocean
this week at school we learnt about the layers of the ocean and we had to create an info graphic about the layers of the ocean and the deepest point the marina trench I liked this because I knew a lot about the ocean and I learnt more things about the ocean something i found hard was finding out what was at the bottom of the ocean
Thursday, 26 September 2019
this term we have been doing a lot of science experiments in our class like balloon racers and helicopters and bottle rockets and blood splatters and more but between this week and last week we had a science fair were we had to make boards for it to show what we did me and my buddy did dunking biscuits were we had a pack of different biscuits and we dunked them to see which on was the best the arrowroot biscuit was the best at 2 minutes and the worst was the choc chip biscuit with 17 seconds we had to add things on the board like our hypothesis and patterns as well.
I liked this task because it was something different and new to me and we got to eat the biscuits
I struggled with this because my hand writing is quite bad
I liked this task because it was something different and new to me and we got to eat the biscuits
I struggled with this because my hand writing is quite bad
Thursday, 12 September 2019
my mihi
My Mihi In class we had to make a mihi using gamefroot to create a mihi for moari language week and put all the details we new for our mihi I liked this because we got to use gamefroot and next time I could learn more to put in.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
the wind
this week I have been learning about wind and where it comes from and we had to make an info graphic about the wind and how it is made with the sun water and land and how it occurs.
I liked this because it is a info graphic and it is new to me I found it hard because i didn't understand it next time I could work on is adding more.
I liked this because it is a info graphic and it is new to me I found it hard because i didn't understand it next time I could work on is adding more.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Where is the best place to drop in fortnite
In our class we had been learning about pervasive writing and I choose to do a
piece on where is the best place to drop in fortnite I enjoyed this because it helped
me get better at writing and have a good time writing about a game I like so here is
my writing.
piece on where is the best place to drop in fortnite I enjoyed this because it helped
me get better at writing and have a good time writing about a game I like so here is
my writing.
There are a lot of places to drop in fortnite Haunted Hills is one of them and I
wanted to tell you about Haunted Hills and why it is the best spot to land because
there are multiple perks with landing Haunted Hills so let me tell you about them.
wanted to tell you about Haunted Hills and why it is the best spot to land because
there are multiple perks with landing Haunted Hills so let me tell you about them.
1)There is high ground above Haunted Hills at the spooky castle and the one big
building that on top can spawn a chest to shoot down on enemies.
building that on top can spawn a chest to shoot down on enemies.
2)The location is great because it is at the edge of the map so barley anyone goes
there and all the buildings can be great to get a lot of brick and with all the trees
for a lot of wood and it is right next to Junk Junction for lots of metal and close to
two other places like pleasant park and snobby shores being a fair bit away.
there and all the buildings can be great to get a lot of brick and with all the trees
for a lot of wood and it is right next to Junk Junction for lots of metal and close to
two other places like pleasant park and snobby shores being a fair bit away.
3)In Haunted Hills there is potential for a lot of loot to spawn so you can be kitted
out with the best stuff to take on your enemies later on in the game.
out with the best stuff to take on your enemies later on in the game.
4)In Haunted Hills it is really open and there is lots of space so if someone else
is there you could see them and get good angles to shoot them and be the only one there.
is there you could see them and get good angles to shoot them and be the only one there.
This is the reason I think Haunted Hills is the best spot to land because there is high ground against enemies it is on the edge of the map so there is less players and there is lots of loot and it is open so you can shoot enemies and that's why I think haunted hills is the best place to land in fortnite.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Paragraph Writing
Walt. Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together
write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text
use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
I learnt to write a descriptive paragraph and paint a picture in peoples heads

I woke up fast the same nightmare seeing the flames, I can’t see it hurts my head to think of it, the night my life failed and everything went wrong, but my mind won’t let me forget. I sat there in silence, my body aching I can’t stand to be like this anymore. I just want the pain to end, but I’m trapped, trapped by the thoughts in my head and trapped in this cabin a prisoner in mind, body and spirit.
In this old wooden cabin where I’m stuck what am I going to do now I can’t stay here hiding I need to move on from this, I need a plan a plan to help me escape, if I can free myself from this prison I can do anything I put my mind too. I can’t bare to see their faces in my mind as the flames overtook them I thought it was a nightmare I can’t believe their gone my dear John and Lucy and it was all my fault. If I can just get out of here then I can make things right.
write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text
use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
I learnt to write a descriptive paragraph and paint a picture in peoples heads
I woke up fast the same nightmare seeing the flames, I can’t see it hurts my head to think of it, the night my life failed and everything went wrong, but my mind won’t let me forget. I sat there in silence, my body aching I can’t stand to be like this anymore. I just want the pain to end, but I’m trapped, trapped by the thoughts in my head and trapped in this cabin a prisoner in mind, body and spirit.
In this old wooden cabin where I’m stuck what am I going to do now I can’t stay here hiding I need to move on from this, I need a plan a plan to help me escape, if I can free myself from this prison I can do anything I put my mind too. I can’t bare to see their faces in my mind as the flames overtook them I thought it was a nightmare I can’t believe their gone my dear John and Lucy and it was all my fault. If I can just get out of here then I can make things right.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Orana park
On Tuesday the 23rd of July we went to Orana park on that day we learnt a lot about animals like how a rhinos horn is made of the same stuff as our hair and nails and a zebra goes away to give birth and memorise her babies strips and the babies memorise there mothers strips and that zebras are born black and get there strips as they get older another thing I learned was Tasmanian devils can bite through steel at the end of the day everyone had a great time.
Orana park
Friday, 14 June 2019
Lost in the city
This week we read a book called Lost in the city
I enjoyed making this activity because I could use lot's of colours and shapes to make this image and make something really cool next time what I would do differently is add more detail in it and make the people look different to each other what I found inter resting was that a little girl knows how to do a sheep whistle and how she was smart enough to know what to do so that she was lost for longer and could be seen by people so they could help her.
Friday, 7 June 2019
In class we learnt about how poverty affects children in big countries and the difficult lifestyle for them and we had to write about the different reasons their family's are in poverty
Poverty affects children everyday and this comes because of the type of country. When the country is big this means there is less resources for everybody there like food, water, wood, stone and more. Some countries there is drought and floods. When there is drought the country is a hot place and if it floods it rains a lot. The people in these ledcs don't normally get an education through being to poor to go to school. In ledcs there is not much money for people and things can get expensive so they can’t buy much food.
Population When there is a massive country and lot’s of people, resources can go quickly because how many people are in that one country. When a country is big and there is not much food or water for everyone, people can go hungry and be dehydrated and that can lead to a lot of people dying.
Climate In certain countries the weather is bad for the people and the country. In some countries there is drought and this means they can not grow crops in the soil and even if they did the plants would receive too much sun and they will shrivel up and die because there is not enough rainfall for the crops and the people do not get enough to drink and even though there is drought people still have to work and which leads to dehydrated and cause a lot of people to die. In other countries it rains too much and drowns the crops and the water gets dirty so it can not be drunk.
Politics In some countries there is civil war because two different people want to run the country the people who are on one person's side could burn the others crops and harm the other people in the country. Politics can lead to people not getting an education then not get a good job when they are older.
Economics In LEDC’s there is less money in that country so people can not earn enough money to live so people go hungry there is not a lot of resources for shelter and people barely survive on what they have so life is harder in LEDC’s
Poverty affects children everyday and this comes because of the type of country. When the country is big this means there is less resources for everybody there like food, water, wood, stone and more. Some countries there is drought and floods. When there is drought the country is a hot place and if it floods it rains a lot. The people in these ledcs don't normally get an education through being to poor to go to school. In ledcs there is not much money for people and things can get expensive so they can’t buy much food.
Population When there is a massive country and lot’s of people, resources can go quickly because how many people are in that one country. When a country is big and there is not much food or water for everyone, people can go hungry and be dehydrated and that can lead to a lot of people dying.
Climate In certain countries the weather is bad for the people and the country. In some countries there is drought and this means they can not grow crops in the soil and even if they did the plants would receive too much sun and they will shrivel up and die because there is not enough rainfall for the crops and the people do not get enough to drink and even though there is drought people still have to work and which leads to dehydrated and cause a lot of people to die. In other countries it rains too much and drowns the crops and the water gets dirty so it can not be drunk.
Politics In some countries there is civil war because two different people want to run the country the people who are on one person's side could burn the others crops and harm the other people in the country. Politics can lead to people not getting an education then not get a good job when they are older.
Economics In LEDC’s there is less money in that country so people can not earn enough money to live so people go hungry there is not a lot of resources for shelter and people barely survive on what they have so life is harder in LEDC’s
Thursday, 23 May 2019
The Jesus cycle
Yesterday we learnt about Jesus how he resurrected and went home got a hotel ready for when we go to heaven then sent a package to us the holy spirit which helps people carry on the mission then we go to heaven
Friday, 17 May 2019
Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day
On the 17th of may We have pink shirt It is to raise awareness about bullying and help people to stand up against bully's and People wear pink to represent it and on this day everyone stands together
Good one
Cringe oneThursday, 9 May 2019
My Mum
walt write a charter description on your mother or a significant female in your life
My Mother My Mum is a brave and strong person she has blue eyes that shine like the ocean and her hair is as gray as a wolf's fur she smells like great perfume she helps any of me and my brothers and sister and has the best cosy hugs that have ever existed
My Mum is always there and she is kind to everyone and helps with everything she does her very best to be there and she is hardworking she copes with everything great.
I Know my Mum by her kind ways and how she is there when we need her she is also a great friend to people and helps them with anything and that they need her help she also everyone in my family and gets what they need and works the hardest she can do.
My Mother My Mum is a brave and strong person she has blue eyes that shine like the ocean and her hair is as gray as a wolf's fur she smells like great perfume she helps any of me and my brothers and sister and has the best cosy hugs that have ever existed
My Mum is always there and she is kind to everyone and helps with everything she does her very best to be there and she is hardworking she copes with everything great.
I Know my Mum by her kind ways and how she is there when we need her she is also a great friend to people and helps them with anything and that they need her help she also everyone in my family and gets what they need and works the hardest she can do.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Pig the pug character description
Pig- is a chubby dog
with rolls where his snout should be and he sounds like a pig at a trough then He smells like his food because it gets all over his face as you look down you see He has little legs Pig looks evil like he rules the house last of all he has huge fat eyes.
Pig- is a mean dog he acts like he's the boss then he wants everything and wants all attention and all eyes on him so then he can act nice and kind and take all the spotlight he always finds new ways to be mean to Trevor and pig has toxic tongue with words that burn brighter than the sun he never shares with anyone .
Pig- Reputation is bad because pig is mean to everyone that he meets and he try to get Trevor mad then he stuffs up and ends up getting hurt pig can be annoying and a thief pig can say some nasty things to Trevor so people know pig has a toxic tongue.
Pig- his bed is a birds nest with half of the sheets on the floor and pillows on the wrong side of the bed then all of his clothes are on the floor so are his sprays and products are just scattered everywhere his wardrobe with things just shoved in his shoes on the floor as well as most things pig owns now his toys half on the floor half on his bed and maybe a few in his wardrobe.
Pig- is a mean dog he acts like he's the boss then he wants everything and wants all attention and all eyes on him so then he can act nice and kind and take all the spotlight he always finds new ways to be mean to Trevor and pig has toxic tongue with words that burn brighter than the sun he never shares with anyone .
Pig- Reputation is bad because pig is mean to everyone that he meets and he try to get Trevor mad then he stuffs up and ends up getting hurt pig can be annoying and a thief pig can say some nasty things to Trevor so people know pig has a toxic tongue.
Pig- his bed is a birds nest with half of the sheets on the floor and pillows on the wrong side of the bed then all of his clothes are on the floor so are his sprays and products are just scattered everywhere his wardrobe with things just shoved in his shoes on the floor as well as most things pig owns now his toys half on the floor half on his bed and maybe a few in his wardrobe.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
The curse of being Pharaoh
Last week we read a book called the curse of being pharaoh It was about a kid who was a bully and knew a lot about Egypt than one day there teacher gets sick and tranie teacher comes and they teach the class about Egypt and peter is a know it all about it and trys to impress the teacher
the first active is a poster about what you know about Egypt
the second is a letter about how peter is know it all
the third is a device to get rid of peter when he gets to annoying
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Friday, 29 March 2019
Pig the pug News report
Christchurch times
Local Pug named Pig falls out of a window and breaks lots of bones in tragic accident
3 days ago on March 21 at 3.57 pm the flying vet's attended a pug named Pig who fell out of a window and {pig said} IT WAS TREVOR HE PUSHED ME OUT OF THE WINDOW
Trevor's the witness statement to the police {Trevor said} I asked Pig to share his toys but pig said no and put them in a pile and climbed on them the pile of toys and started to shout the pile went unstable and Pig JUMPED out the open window and our owners left the window open so it is our owners vault. Or is it, is Trevor innocent or guilty.
Yesterday Trevor was on trial for assault to Pig and the DNA results came back and Trevor's DNA is no where no to be seen on the toys so pig is charged with being a FILTHY liar and a grump which 790$ so Pig will have to pay up.
Friday, 22 March 2019
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
heather the weather girl
This week my group was reading heather the weather girl so we had to follow up activities
the first thing was create storm head gear so got a hat and traced it then got a picture of a mirror and put on the hat
the second one was another name the story can be called so I called it the girl that could tell the weather
the second to last make a civil defence poster about warring people about the danger of lighting
the final one is we had to make a story map about all the place in the story
dirty dishse
this week we read a book called dirty dishes
the 1st one question was think of another name for the story So i did the hungry dishwasher
the second was create a chart of how the kid is feeling through out the story
the finale one was create a poster warring people about the dishwasher
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
writing w7t1
I was standing outside It was cold and the house looked broken gross abandoned I heard something being dragged in the house then I heard thunder then lightning in the distance I saw it the storm was getting worse then I heard a stick crack behind me I turned I saw a figure move than the thunder was different It was as sharp as a sword being drawn than more sticks being cracked a mans breathing right behind me I ran into the house I smelt like something was rotten in the house there was shattered glass everywhere I heard the rain start so I tip toed took look for a place to hide the floor started to crack it was old the floor was breaking then I heard heavy stomping crashing extreme footsteps
Monday, 4 March 2019
Thursday, 21 February 2019
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